OVF visit to OSU and Corvallis

May 2023

Deepthi Madhava

Recently, the OVF team and a group of Venture Partners took a road trip to Corvallis, where we visited the Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Institute (ATAMI), a state-of-the-art lab and incubator at Oregon State University. ATAMI focuses on nanotechnology, advanced materials, sustainable energy, and biotechnology, among other areas.

ATAMI serves as a valuable resource for OVF in identifying promising startups and innovative technologies within our region’s advanced manufacturing and technology sectors. ATAMI houses several companies including Inpria, an OVF portfolio company that merged with JSR in 2021. It was particularly exciting to see Inpria continuing to thrive and serving as an inspiration for other founders and startups in the region.

We also attended OSU's Advantage Accelerator 10th-year anniversary celebration, where we learned about several of the university's more successful spin-offs, including NuScale, Valliscor, and Inpria. It was also inspiring to learn that OSU is spearheading a federal effort to advance semiconductor technologies in the Northwest.

Notably, Dan Whitaker, an OVF Venture Partner, played a significant role during the early days of the OSU Advantage Accelerator. His involvement and contributions were instrumental in shaping the accelerator's foundation and setting it on a path to success.

Overall, the trip provided valuable insights and connections for the OVF team, fostering innovation, collaboration, and learning from successful ventures. Witnessing the impact and accomplishments of these companies left the team inspired and motivated.

Pic: OVF team, Venture Partners along with Inpria cofounders Andrew Grenville and Doug Keszler. Doug was awarded a lifetime achievement award at the event for his distinguished contributions to innovation.